A downloadable The Popcorn Mage

The Popcorn Mage is an upcoming rogue-lite bullet hell game releasing in Q1 2025 that's been in production for over a year.


What is the Popcorn Mage?

The Popcorn mage is an upcoming rogue-lite, groundhog day game, where you play as a young mage who attempts to defend their humble business from popcorn hungry bees!


The Popcorn Mage is a game about a young popcorn mage named Aos who can create popcorn out of nothing. He decided to start up a humble business using his powers to get some extra money. However, tragedy strikes! Some popcorn hungry bees are attacking the plaza! He must use his popcorn gun to shoo away the bees and save the entire plaza from destruction!

What's the Gameplay Like?

The Popcorn Mage is an arena rogue-lite game inspired by games like Brotato, Enter the Gungeon, Risk of Rain, and many more. The game is played as a top-down rogue-lite bullet hell.

Development log

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