The Popcorn Mage Has Achievements Now!? (The Popcorn Mage)

Hey everyone, I've been working on a new update to add achievements to the game, I also fixed the killer bee due to it moving as slow as the firing bee, thus making them just a worse firing bee. I also decided that for every new update I'll add a new achievement. I didn't add a save system though (it will be here next update.). Sorry for that, I will be adding a way to save, it's just hard to program, I've been planning on more quality of life updates after 0.9.0 for better music because I used an online sequencer which sounded a little cheap. I'm planning to do an art, music, story, and boss revamp. I do have a story in plan about helping this Seer-like character by beating bosses and gaining courage from them to permanently upgrade speed, fire rate, and more! This is all really just an idea, I don't have much of a plan for it, honestly it might not even happen.  But hey, go check out the game and see the new stuff in the update.


The Popcorn Mage 0.8.6 Achieving New Heights Update 60 MB
Mar 08, 2024

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