New Discord Server! (The Popcorn Mage)

Hey everyone! I'm super exited to announce the official Popcorn Mage Discord server! Join it here:! This server has constant updates and new announcements, even for upcoming updates like 0.9.0! The server will give insights on development! I hope you enjoy talking with the others about this game! I also have to say that TPM is now on! This is an in development version that may have some bugs like music issues and other problems that will be fixed upon the updates full release! Play it here: The new update will include seasons that will come out monthly, same for updates. this will delay the game for about a year. However, I feel like the following updates will be even larger than 0.9.0 which will release June 1st! Anyways, that's the news for now! I hope you enjoy! See ya!

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